• WE ARE CLIMBING JACOB’S LADDER • Negro Spiritual • He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28:12) • This delightful children’s song was inspired by the account of Jacob’s dream at Bethel as recorded in Genesis 28:10–22.
• But oh! what a life of faith it is! And what a life of watching and praying it requires. I never felt the need of these disiciplines so much before; but now it seems as if every moment was a moment of danger, and yet thank God, a moment of triumph too in Jesus, my perfect and my present Saviour! •
• “Jesus said unto them, If ye seek me, let these go their way.” • — John 18:8 • Mark, my soul, the care which Jesus manifested even in his hour of trial, towards the sheep of his hand! The ruling passion is strong in death. He resigns himself to the enemy, but he interposes a word of power to set his disciples free.
• “Jesus said unto them, If ye seek me, let these go their way.” • — John 18:8 • Mark, my soul, the care which Jesus manifested even in his hour of trial, towards the sheep of his hand! The ruling passion is strong in death. He resigns himself to the enemy, but he interposes a word of power to set his disciples free.
• I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do • John 17:4 • Was the work of the Master indeed done? Was not its heaviest task yet to come? He had not yet met the dread hour of death. Why did He say that His work was done? It was because He knew that, when the will is given, the battle is ended.
With over 1,500 biographical entries, this bibliographical dictionary is a comprehensive resource, spanning the first through the twentieth centuries-from Jesus and the apostles to Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. Any reader will be fascinated and inspired by the lives of men and women-well known and obscure-who were influential in Christian history. This one volume biographical dictionary is also a perfect resource for pastors, Bible teachers, Sunday school teachers, Bible students, and seminarians.
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