In 1992 we took first mission summer ride to the then New aereas of eastern Germany. As actors we played PANTOMIMA at the places and streets. We showed with body-language to get „out of the BOX“ and take a new, fresh heart in JESUS CHRIST our saviour!
NOWADAYS, 18 years later, we help our mission fields pastors to raise up funds for bible schools, SHTP (->) and outreaches.
For this we need shareholders and supporters. Pls help NOW!
Kori Wallace
Thanks for great information.
Trang Fladger
Yes because it provides detailed information to help us understand to know more about it.
Bluetooth Speakers
Very efficiently written story. It will be beneficial to anyone who employess it, including yours truly :). Keep doing what you are doing – for sure i will check out more posts.
Rubi Sendra
A great blog post makes you think and you’ve certainly given me a few tid bits to consider.
Arlette Buergel
Have you ever considered adding more videos to your blog posts to keep the readers more entertained? I mean I just read through the entire article of yours and it was quite good but since I’m more of a visual learner,I found that to be more helpful well let me know how it turns out!