Thema: Dream – Team?
Zeit: 11.22 Uhr CEST
Autor: uaerosenkranz
Stimmung: überrascht
Musik: Sam Rotman, DeBussy
This night (1rst July 2008) I had a dream: I saw an american congress party- meeting. In a big hall gathered around the delegates.
Some wearing „stetsons“ (Texas cowboy hats). Then the ruler of the congress/or senate spoke and told all the delegates to agree, otherwise they are not allowed to leave the meeting alive. Alraedy the black-dressed armed forces of the house-owner showed their presence. Then all delegates were forced to hear and sing the national hymn (stars and stripes) and put off their hats. Some did it very quickly, fearing the consequences of denying the order. But some others were laughing and said: „Oh, Now, for heavens sake, we knew this procedure before, if we bow our heads now, we are like turtles that crush their heads again and again against closed doors.“ They did not take off their white stetsons (Texas cowboy hats) and did not sing the hymn while doing what the rulers want, forced by the special forces of the house of congress/or senate. The forces went down the staircases to put their arms in position to fight the delegates. But those, who did not sing the hymn and did not take off their heads, first wake up from that furious shock. They moved and klimbed up the stairways. They caught the troops of special forces and threw them down the stairways-above the ceilings. The forces fell down on the floor of the senate/congress hall and died. This was a kind of revolution against the non-democratic dictators. Please think of that dream and recognize it and take notice on the news about american „election“ – Let´s see, if this dream is coming from GOD to show what may happen. I would appreciate this is not going to become true- but if so, this may be a warning for prophetic things to come, that will change history foreever!
Tags: american, dream, prophecy, election, revolution
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