http://www.feedblitz.comDescription: Adds a checkbox to the user registration dialog enabling users to register for both a WordPress site and create a FeedBlitz newsletter subscription from a single screen Version: 0.91Author: FeedBlitz, LLCAuthor URI:*/
$fbz_data = array( ‚feedblitz_feedid‘ => “, ‚feedblitz_text‘ => ‚Keep me up to date via email‘);
add_option(‚feedblitz_settings‘,$fbz_data,’FeedBlitz Newsletter Options‘);
$feedblitz_settings = get_option(‚feedblitz_settings‘);
function fbz_is_hash_valid($form_hash) { $ret = false; $saved_hash = fbz_retrieve_hash(); if ($form_hash === $saved_hash) { $ret = true; } return $ret;}
function fbz_generate_hash() { return md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));}
function fbz_store_hash($generated_hash) { return update_option(‚feedblitz_token‘,$generated_hash,’FeedBlitz Security Hash‘);}
function fbz_retrieve_hash() { $ret = get_option(‚feedblitz_token‘); return $ret;}
/* Heavily borrowed auth code from the FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin */function fbz_ol_is_authorized() { global $user_level; if (function_exists(„current_user_can“)) { return current_user_can(‚activate_plugins‘); } else { return $user_level > 5; }}
function fbz_ol_add_feedblitz_options_page() { if (function_exists(‚add_options_page‘)) { add_options_page(‚FeedBlitz‘, ‚FeedBlitz‘, 8, basename(__FILE__), ‚fbz_ol_feedblitz_options_subpanel‘); }}
function fbz_ol_feedblitz_options_subpanel() { global $fbz_ol_flash, $feedblitz_settings, $_POST, $wp_rewrite; if (fbz_ol_is_authorized()) { // Easiest test to see if we have been submitted to if(isset($_POST[‚feedblitz_feedid‘]) isset($_POST[‚feedblitz_text‘])) { // Now we check the hash, to make sure we are not getting CSRF if(fbz_is_hash_valid($_POST[‚token‘])) { if (isset($_POST[‚feedblitz_feedid‘])) { $feedblitz_settings[‚feedblitz_feedid‘] = $_POST[‚feedblitz_feedid‘]; update_option(‚feedblitz_settings‘,$feedblitz_settings); $fbz_ol_flash = „Your settings have been saved.“; } if (isset($_POST[‚feedblitz_text‘])) { $feedblitz_settings[‚feedblitz_text‘] = $_POST[‚feedblitz_text‘]; update_option(‚feedblitz_settings‘,$feedblitz_settings); $fbz_ol_flash = „Your settings have been saved.“; } } else { // Invalid form hash, possible CSRF attempt $fbz_ol_flash = „Security hash missing.“; } // endif fb_is_hash_valid } // endif isset(feedblitz_xxx) } else { $fbz_ol_flash = „You don’t have enough access rights.“; } if ($fbz_ol_flash != “) echo ‚
‚ . $fbz_ol_flash . ‚
‚; if (fbz_ol_is_authorized()) { $temp_hash = fbz_generate_hash(); fbz_store_hash($temp_hash); echo ‚
FeedBlitz Newsletter Settings
‚; echo ‚
This plugin makes it easy keep visitors up to date with your FeedBlitz newsletter by integrating newsletter sign up with the end user registration process.